configuration of heap in DDR memory (CONFIG_SPL_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN).board_init_f(): driver initialization including DDR initialization (mininimal stack and heap: CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_MALLOC_SIMPLE_LEN).SPL executes the following main steps in SYSRAM: There is no workaround for these limitations. SCMI support for clock and reset (not compatible with latest Linux kernel device tree).limited features (STM32CubeProgrammer / boot from NAND Flash memory).However, several known limitations have been identified when SPL is used in conjunction with the minimal secure monitor provided within U-Boot for basic boot chain. SPL is provided only as an example of the simplest FSBL with the objective to support upstream U-Boot development. SPL cannot be used for product development.

It loads the SSBL (U-Boot) into the DDR memory.It performs the initial CPU and board configuration (clocks and DDR memory).It is a small binary (bootstrap utility) generated from the U-Boot source and stored in the internal limited-size embedded RAM. The U-Boot SPL or SPL is an alternate first stage bootloader (FSBL).